In a democracy people get the government they deserve, and they deserve what they get.

 In a democracy people get the government they deserve, and they deserve what they get. 

The statement if true, then Indian democracy certainly seems to be the exception. I dont deserve this, my family does doesn't deserve this, my friends dont deserve this and certainly not my City - Pune. 

Our decisions shape the society. God forbid if few years down our children ask us, when the people you elected were showing you your worth,  what were you doing???  Let not our heads hang in shame,  All that is expected of you is to think clearly, rationally and like a prudent person and when the time comes spare 1 hr to get what YOU DESERVE. 

I am a positivist and I wont be like others who say we havent done any progress, but is it enough. Taking sub standard rate of progress and portraying it as exceptional is unacceptable. We elect a representative so he can take up my issues with the executive and get it solved, the guy starts behaving as if he is paying for it from his pocket. 

I am no one special, I have a family, I work 9-6 to feed my family, go home play with my kids and pet. Am just like you, Am a common man

But over a period of last few years I realized there is no point doing good from the shadows. Statistically speaking considering the NGO's and help groups and their contribution we should have been sujallam safalm years back. The solution to the problem is not social service. Problem is the perception that is created with mass marketing, the brain is wired to confuse local issues with national issues. (Will discuss this soon) and the solution is to help clear this fog. 

AAP - Bavdhan-Pashan

I have worked at local level to solve multiple issues with the local officials, and if followed up well the job gets done. Ideally one wouldn't even need a corporator if all citizens were proactive , but that is too idealistic., a  local representative /corporator should not forget his role. AAP works on ground level, I was fortunate to meet some of these guys. Honest, cultured, simple aam aadmi.  Understand who gets the job done, who is it that will come to you to understand your issues. Pune needs change and for that we need to change

Aam Aadmi Party for better Pune. Krunnal Gharre (Bavdhan-Pashan)

Krunnal Gharre



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