माझी रामनदी माझी जबाबदारी - DAY 1

माझी रामनदी माझी जबाबदारी - DAY 1

In a determined effort to address the critical issue of pollution in the Ramnadi River, citizens from Bavdhan embarked on a three-day river march starting on Wednesday, October 25th. Clad in gum boots, full shirts, trousers, and equipped with walking canes, participants walked from Bavdhan towards Bhugaon for half an hour each day.


The primary aim of this mission is to locate the areas where drainage pollutants enter the Ramnadi River, rendering it undrinkable. The contamination not only affects Ramnadi but also extends to interconnected lakes and water bodies.

On the first day, participants, accompanied by Krunnal Gharre, an Aam Aadmi Party representative from Bavdhan, walked from Bavdhan to Songbirds Township at the Bhugaon-Bavdhan boundary. Numerous spots were identified where sewage contaminated the river, mostly due to cracked pipelines, causing severe water quality deterioration.

The second day will see the march proceed from Songbirds Township to Manas Lake to identify additional areas of drainage seepage into Ramnadi. The third and final day, scheduled for October 27th, will lead the march from Manas Lake to Bhukum.

Post Day 1 walk I am very enthusiastic and confident about an immediate resolution. The establishment of a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is confirmed to ensure aimmediate pollution-free water. We have also identified spots where there is sewage and All relevant details and GPS locations of seepage points are submitted to the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB).

This three-day river march underscores the community's commitment to preserving and restoring the ecological health of Ramnadi River.



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